Want to volunteer at Allen County Parks?

We would love to have you!!!!

We need volunteers for all kinds of activities, be it
program help, maintenance help, removal of invasive
species, filling bird feeders, small construction projects, hosts/hostess, anything you’d like to do!!

All potential volunteers for the Allen County Parks
Department must complete a volunteer application
before volunteering. A link to this application can be
found at our website on the Volunteer in the Allen
County Parks page.

What's Happening at Metea County Park?

To view a complete and up-to-date list of activities occurring at Metea Park, please see the Wild Grapevine, available at the Allen County Parks website.

Identifying Trees Using Leaves, Twigs and Bark

July 8, Thursday 10:00 AM

Join Ron for a walk through the park. During the hike we will learn how to use leaves, twigs and bark to identify several of the park’s trees.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: July 7
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: rdivelbiss@allencountyparks.org
Call: Ron Divelbiss @ 449-3778

Evening Hikes with Michael

July 7, Wednesday 7:00 PM

Close the day by watching the world turn in. A sunset experiential walk at Metea County Park. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate, and often wet.

Cost: $ 2.00
Pre-register by: 7/5
Min: 1
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Monday Mornings with Michael

July 5, Monday 6:00 AM

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk at Metea County Park. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate, and often wet.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-Register by: 7/2
Min. 1
Max. 15
To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777