Want to volunteer at Allen County Parks?

We would love to have you!!!!

We need volunteers for all kinds of activities, be it
program help, maintenance help, removal of invasive
species, filling bird feeders, small construction projects, hosts/hostess, anything you’d like to do!!

All potential volunteers for the Allen County Parks
Department must complete a volunteer application
before volunteering. A link to this application can be
found at our website on the Volunteer in the Allen
County Parks page.

What's Happening at Metea County Park?

To view a complete and up-to-date list of activities occurring at Metea Park, please see the Wild Grapevine, available at the Allen County Parks website.

Monday Mornings with Michael

January 3, Monday 7:00 AM

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk at Metea County Park. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is
easy to moderate, and often wet.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: 12/29
Min: 1
Max: 15
To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

The Almost Lost Art of Observation (Part 1)

By Michael Gobert, Naturalist, Allen County Parks

“Observe: to detect, discover, or determine the existence, presence, or fact of that which is being observed. Observant person: one who is quick to notice, to perceive, to notice, to be watchful, to look at carefully and attentively. Observing: to watch, view, or note for scientific, official, or special purpose” (according to Webster’s Dictionary).

Some of you may remember a past article I wrote for the Grapevine about Sensory Awareness. The sum of which was about the utilization of all of your senses being an important method to use in learning about nature. I believe that to be a successful observer you must incorporate sensory awareness into the definition of observation. Therefore a new definition of observe might read: “To detect, discover, or determine the existence, presence, or fact of that which is being observed, through the utilization of one’s senses of touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell, and the resultant emotions that arise therein through the experience of that which is observed.” I know that’s long and perhaps wordy, but I like it and it sums a point I would like to make. The art of observing is applied to how you learn from your experience. This behavior of being observant can be applied to any and all environments one might experience, but I am focusing upon being observant of the natural environment.

Why do I believe that being an observant person is becoming a lost art? When was the last time you read, discussed, or thought about this topic? When and how often do you use your skills of observation? I am talking about consciously participating in observational behavior. Consciously, because it requires you to make note of or report what you have observed and share it in some recorded format. We all unconsciously observe experiences in our daily lives. One example would be driving vehicles. Think about something you observed on your drive somewhere today that was out of the norm. Many drivers drive the same route(s) daily. It is practical, repetitive, and often the most efficient route. Having a tough time providing an example? If so, you are not in the moment. You are not consciously being aware of what you are observing. I realize what you observe may not always be worth noting or of interest to others, but that is not my point. To be observant you must be conscious of the moment of which you are observing or experiencing. More importantly one has to constantly practice being observant to be conscious of what you observe. Ultimately this action will become an unconscious behavior, but you will be able to report upon that which you have observed.

Time is another determining factor to the development of becoming a skilled observer. Who has extra time? It does take time to develop this skill. There was a time when time was totally irrelevant to me. That was when the use of it was selfdetermined, and not dictated by conventions or norms of behavior. In those years I was mostly living in the beauty of nature, and travelling through it by hiking, canoeing, or cycling. Determining factors upon my time were food, water, shelter, the weather, and what season and latitude at which I was living. Most of us never experience this freedom or even consider living as such. At one point, in those travels, I had no human contact for over three months. I truly honed my observational skills, since I had the time to do so.

(To be continued....)

New meeting time for board meetings

The FoM board decided to change the monthly meeting day and time beginning January, 2011. The board will meet on the third Thursday of the month at 4pm, at the Metea Nature Center.

All are welcome to attend.

NEAT Bicycle Tour

October 2, Saturday 9:00 AM start time

Enjoy an early fall ride through scenic northern Allen County. A 20-mile route tours Allen County, while 40-mile and 62-mile routes wind through Allen and DeKalb Counties. Visit three of the four Allen County Parks on all routes. Snacks, drinks, a light lunch and emergency transportation service will be provided. Helmets required! Sponsored by Allen County Parks, Summit City Bicycles & Fitness and Friends of Metea.

Cost: $15.00 prior registration, $18.00 after 9/22
Pre-register by: 9/22
Walk ins permitted
Min: 5
Max: 70
Registration starts at 8:30
See website & local bike shops for registration forms

To register or more information:
Email: bdispenza@allencountyparks.org
Call: Bob Dispenza @ 449-8619

Fourth Friday Night Hike @ Payton County Park

September 24, Friday 8:00 PM

Fall has just begun, but our night animals are already preparing for winter. Let’s go find them and see what they’re up to. Flashlights optional, insect repellent needed.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: 9/21
Min: 5
Max: 50

To register or more information:
Email: bdispenza@allencountyparks.org
Call: Bob Dispenza @ 449-8619

Trail Trekkers

September 16, Thursday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Join park naturalists and volunteer Allen County Park Trail Guides for a guided hike along scenic Cedar Creek. Creek shoes a must!

Pre-register by: N/A
Min. 5
Max. 20

To register or for more information:
Email: nhaley@allencountyparks.org
Call: Natalie Haley @ 449-3246

Fall Picnic September 15

You are invited to participate in the Friends of Metea Annual Fall Picnic to be held on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.

We will be roasting wieners over an open fire near the park pavilion. Hot dogs, buns, condiments, chili, soft drinks, and bottled water will be furnished. You are asked to bring a dish to share and your own table service. You will need to also bring your own lawn chairs to sit around the fire. If you have roasting forks, we could also use them.

We would enjoy having you come and meet the Friends Board and each other.

Special Event: Native American Day

September 12, Sunday 2:00 PM

Indiana was named after the Native people who lived here. Most of us are familiar with the past of Native Americans, but they still live and work among us today. Learn about the past and present of our area Native Americans through presentations by representatives of the Pokagon Band of Potawatomies and other local tribes.

Cost: $3.00
Pre-register by: 9/10
Min: 5
Max: 70
Walk-ons welcome if we meet our minimum

To register or more information:
Email: bdispenza@allencountyparks.org
Call: Bob Dispenza @ 449-8619

Cedar Creek Canoe Trip

September 11, Saturday 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Join us for an early fall paddle upon the Cedar Creek. We’ll meet at Metea & shuttle to our put in site. We could see heron, beaver, ducks, songbirds and more. Must have taken prerequisite class.

Cost: $ 5.00
Pre-register by: 9/8
Min: 1
Max: 22

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Backpacking Basics

September 12, Sunday 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

We will cover packs, packing, trip planning & explore local & statewide areas to backpack. Each participant will pack their own pack and carry it on the hike. A list of what to bring will be provided upon registering. This is for adults and mature youth.

Cost: $ 5.00
Pre-register by: 9/8
Min: 5
Max: 10

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Evening Hikes with Michael

September 8, Wednesday 7:00 PM

Close the day by watching the world turn in. A sunset experiential walk at Metea County Park. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate, and often wet.

Cost: $ 2.00
Pre-register by: 9/5
Min: 1
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Fall Creek Hike

September 12 , Sunday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Take a hike with park naturalist, Natalie Haley, and explore scenic Cedar Creek. Pack a lunch (optional) and relax while listening to the tree leaves before they fall. Simple snack provided by naturalist.

Cost $3.00
Pre-register by 9/7
Min. 5
Max. 20

To register or for more information:
Email: nhaley@allencountyparks.org
Call: Natalie Haley @ 449-3246

Little Hike in the Prairie

Sunday, September 5 2:00 PM

See the park prairie in full bloom, and see how we keep it healthy. We’ll learn the names of some prairie plants and the animals that depend on them.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: 9/5
Min: 5
Max: 40

To register or more information:
Email: bdispenza@allencountyparks.org
Call: Bob Dispenza @ 449-8619

Monday Mornings with Michael @ Payton County Park

September 6, Monday 6:00 AM

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk at Metea County Park. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate, and often wet.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-Register by: 9/2
Min. 1
Max. 15

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Monarch Butterfly Family Count

Aug. 31, Tues. 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Come and help us do this scientific investigation by counting eggs and caterpillars.

Cost: $2.00
Please Pre-register
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: rdivelbiss@allencountyparks.org
Call Ron Divelbiss @ 449-3778

Fourth Friday Night Hike

August 27, Friday 8:30 PM

Let’s go on a late summer stroll through the evening woods. We’ll be on the lookout (and listenout) for our forest friends. Flashlights optional, insect repellent mandatory.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: 8/24
Min: 5
Max: 50

To register or more information:
Email: bdispenza@allencountyparks.org
Call: Bob Dispenza @ 449-8619

Monarch Butterfly Family Count

Aug 24, Tues., Aug. 31, Tues. 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Come and help us do this scientific investigation by counting eggs and caterpillars.

Cost: $2.00
Please Pre-register
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: rdivelbiss@allencountyparks.org
Call Ron Divelbiss @ 449-3778

A Study of Dominance in Field Crickets

August 26, Thursday 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

During this scientific investigation we will learn little known facts about these interesting animals.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: 8/23
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: rdivelbiss@allencountyparks.org
Call: Ron Divelbiss @ 449-3778

Monarch Butterfly Family Count

Aug. 19, Thurs., Aug 24, Tues., Aug. 31, Tues. 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Come and help us do this scientific investigation by counting eggs and caterpillars.

Cost: $2.00
Please Pre-register
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: rdivelbiss@allencountyparks.org
Call Ron Divelbiss @ 449-3778

Trail Trekkers

August 19 and September 16, Thursdays 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Join park naturalists and volunteer Allen County Park Trail Guides for a guided hike along scenic Cedar Creek. Creek shoes a must!

Pre-register by: N/A
Min. 5
Max. 20

To register or for more information:
Email: nhaley@allencountyparks.org
Call: Natalie Haley @ 449-3246

Monarch Butterfly Family Count

Aug. 16, Mon., Aug. 19, Thurs., Aug 24, Tues., Aug. 31, Tues. 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Come and help us do this scientific investigation by counting eggs and caterpillars.

Cost: $2.00
Please Pre-register
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: rdivelbiss@allencountyparks.org
Call Ron Divelbiss @ 449-3778

Perseids Meteor Shower

August 12, Thursday 10:00 PM – 1:00 AM

This year the Perseid Meteor Shower occurs on a moonless night, so come out for an evening of star gazing & telescope viewing! Bring your roasting sticks & hotdogs or marshmallows for the fire, a blanket or chairs, and bug spray for a great evening under the (shooting) stars!

Cost: $3.00
Pre-register by: 8/10
Min: 5
Max: 100
Cancelled if cloudy - call to be sure.

To register or more information:
Email: bdispenza@allencountyparks.org
Call: Bob Dispenza @ 449-8619

Monarch Butterfly Workshop

August 10, Tuesday 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Spend some time learning about these unbelievable little animals, their amazing lifestyle, and their fantastic migration.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: 8/9
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: rdivelbiss@allencountyparks.org
Call: Ron Divelbiss @ 449-3778

Campfire Cooking

August 8, Sunday 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Cook your own Sunday dinner. We will explore different methods of cooking in a campsite, but in order to do that we must learn how to make a fire. We will fry, bake and simmer. For adults & mature youth.

Cost: $10.00
Pre-register by: 8/4
Min: 2
Max: 10

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Evening Hikes with Michael

August 4, Wednesday 7:00 PM

Close the day by watching the world turn in. A sunset experiential walk at Metea County Park. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate, and often wet.

Cost: $ 2.00
Pre-register by: 8/2
Min. 1
Max. 15

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Metea Challenge

August 7, Saturday 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Come and learn about our new Metea Challenge Program. This 3 hour workshop will introduce you to new games, initiatives, and challenge courses. Dress to be comfortable and active. These activities are for adults and mature youth.

Cost: $4.00
Pre-register by: 8/2
Min: 10
Max: 16

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Monday Mornings with Michael

August 2, Monday 6:00 AM

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk. Dress for weather, the hiking is easy to moderate, and often wet.
Cost: $2.00
Pre-Register by: 7/30
Min. 1
Max. 15

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Fourth Friday Night Hike

July 23, Friday 9:00 PM

Nature’s fireworks! We’ll learn all about lightning beetles and try to catch a few as we walk through the summer woods and fields. Flashlights optional, insect repellent recommended.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: 7/20
Min: 5
Max: 50

To register or more information:
Email: bdispenza@allencountyparks.org
Call: Bob Dispenza @ 449-8619

Summer Day Camp

  • WHEN: August 3 - 13
  • COST: $100 per camper per week ($90 for Gold Pass holders)
  • REGISTER BY: July 20
  • TO REGISTER: Contact Natalie Haley @ 449-3246 or by email nhaley@allencountyparks.org

Campers interested in canoeing, fishing, swimming, nature art, slime games, etc. Register for Summer Day Camp at Allen County Parks. Registration forms available here

Trail Trekkers

July 15, August 19 and September 16, Thursdays 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Join park naturalists and volunteer Allen County Park Trail Guides for a guided hike along scenic Cedar Creek. Creek shoes a must!

Pre-register by: N/A
Min. 5
Max. 20

To register or for more information:
Email: nhaley@allencountyparks.org
Call: Natalie Haley @ 449-3246

Basic Camping Skills

July 18, Sunday 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Come learn the basics of primitive camping. Learn about the gear you need, where & how to set up a site, how to leave no trace, & packing and planning. This is a comprehensive workshop for adults/mature youth.

Cost: $ 3.00
Pre-register by: 7/14
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Caving adventure

July 24, Saturday (pre-class July 16, Friday) 7:30 PM

Go underground with Allen County Parks. We’ll be exploring a wild cave in the Springville area and going off the beaten path, looking for cave wildlife and unusual formations. Learn about geology, cave life, needed equipment and cave formation. This activity is somewhat strenuous, but suitable for beginners in good physical condition.

Mandatory pre-caving class is Friday, July 16, 7:30 PM

Cost: $20.00
Pre-register by: 7/11
Min: 5
Max: 25
Fee covers maps & caving instruction.

To register or more information:
Email: bdispenza@allencountyparks.org
Call: Bob Dispenza @ 449-3777

Identifying Trees Using Leaves, Twigs and Bark

July 8, Thursday 10:00 AM

Join Ron for a walk through the park. During the hike we will learn how to use leaves, twigs and bark to identify several of the park’s trees.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: July 7
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: rdivelbiss@allencountyparks.org
Call: Ron Divelbiss @ 449-3778

Evening Hikes with Michael

July 7, Wednesday 7:00 PM

Close the day by watching the world turn in. A sunset experiential walk at Metea County Park. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate, and often wet.

Cost: $ 2.00
Pre-register by: 7/5
Min: 1
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Monday Mornings with Michael

July 5, Monday 6:00 AM

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk at Metea County Park. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate, and often wet.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-Register by: 7/2
Min. 1
Max. 15
To register or more information:
Email: mgobert@allencountyparks.org
Call: Michael Gobert @ 449-3777

Scrapbook Night at Metea

April 16, Friday, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Beginning Scrapaholics. Need a night to catch up on your scrapbooking? Need some time for your self? Want a Girl’s Night Out? New to scrapbooking? Leave the kiddies at home, come and relax & work on your scrapbook projects, family albums, mini albums, cards, and home décor.

Cost: $10/session (advance), $15 at the door.
Register 6 people and save $10.

To register or more information:
Email: paulcorrine2005@aol.com
Corrine Paul

Add your name to my MONTHLY UPDATES (by email) to get hints and instructions for special projects and challenges at the next crop.

Reserve Your Table Today!!

Monday Mornings with Michael @ Payton

March 29

Greet the day from the beginning and watch world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk Payton Park. Dress weather appropriate, and hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Mar. 7:00AM
Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Summer 2010 day camp

Fox Island County Park Camp Schedule:

June 21-25: Survival Kids Camp

June 28-July 2: Fish Camp 2

NO CAMP :( July 5-9)

July 12-16: Jr. Naturalist Camp

July 19-23: Creepy Slimy Investigations “CSI” Camp

July 26-30: Nature Art Camp

Metea County Park Camp Schedule :

August 2-6: Float the Creek Camp

August 9-13: Back Country Camp Skills & Campfire Cookin’ Camp

Summer Day Camp series is open Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00, starting

June 21st and ending August 13th, 2010. Camp is for children ages 6-12.

Fish Camp is returning this year! Campers will go fishing every day!

Survivor Kids is a new camp that takes surviving in the wild to a whole new level. Your child will learn how to access water from the earth and sky.

Jr. Naturalist Camp will have your camper jumping like a frog one day and doing the dragonfly bop the next!

During “CSI” camp, be prepared to be slimed!

Explore your creative side in Nature Art Camp.

At Metea County Park , campers explore Cedar Creek from the center of a tire tube!

Back Country Camp Skills & Campfire Cooking campers will learn how to set up camp as well as how to cook while enjoying camp life!

Each year we try to change the activities offered for each camp. We strive to encourage your camper to become enthusiastic about nature!

Registration deadline is two weeks prior to each camp. Early bird deadline is May 21, 2010

Download a registration form and brochure from our website: www.allencountyparks.org.

Camp fee is $100.00/camper/week of camp.

Check out our early-bird and golden park pass rates in the website brochure!

Non-flowering plants - the Moss and Fern Life Cycles - 2 NISTEM points

March 30, Tuesday 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

We will be using the microscopes to study these small, plantlike organisms. Students must have their Microscope operators’ license to sign up for this program.

Cost: $3.00/student
Pre-register by: 3/22(REQ’D)
Min: 5 Max: 10
Must be 12 years old or older

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3778
Ron Divelbiss

Fourth Friday Night Hike

March 26, Friday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

As we near the end of owl nesting season, we will try to get an owl family to visit us on our hike. Flashlights are welcome, but not needed. Be prepared for Indiana weather.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: 3/22
Min: 5
Max: 45

To register or more information:
Call: 449-8619
Bob Dispenza

Monday Mornings with Michael @ North Metea

March 22

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk at the North Metea Nature Preserve. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

March 7:00 AM

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Race into the Wild spring day camp

Fox Island’s RACE into the WILD Spring Day Camp is open for registration! Camp runs April 5-9th, 2010, Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00pm. Camp is for ages 6-12. Counselor’s in Training, ages 13 and up, may volunteer their time.

The Camp Directors are Natalie Haley and Ron Zartman.

Campers will experience a week filled with scavenger hunts, survival skill tests and great adventures in the outdoors. They will bring home a self-made survival kit by the end of the week! Building shelters, fire, and finding water will be just some of the challenges presented to our campers this year.

Pre-registration cut-off date is March 26, 2010. Minimum registration of 10 campers is required in order to run this camp. Maximum registration of 30 campers will be accepted. All programs are subject to cancellation.

Download a registration form and brochure from our website: www.allencountyparks.org!

Camp fees are $100.00/camper for the week. Check out the early-bird date and Golden Park Pass discounts in our website brochure.

Junior Indiana Master Naturalist class

The mission of the Jr. Indiana Master Naturalist class is to bring together natural resource specialists with young people, ages 9-13 years, to foster an understanding of Indiana ’s plants, water, soils, and wildlife, and promote volunteer service in local communities.

The class schedule is as follows:

Location - Fox Island County Park :
  • April 14th, 6-8PM, Wilderness Survival with Michael Golbert, Allen County Parks
  • April 17th, 9-11AM, Birds with Soarin’ Hawk and Stockbridge Audubon Society
  • April 17th, 12-2PM, Geology with Ron Zartman, Allen County Parks and Soils with Scot Haley, Natural Resource Conservation Service
  • April 21st, 6-8PM, Plants and Trees with Larry Yoder, Yoder Farms, & Natalie Haley Allen County Parks
Location - Metea County Park :
  • April 24th, 9-11AM, Naturalists and Conservation with Scott Beam, Maple Wood Nature Center and Bob Dispenza, Allen County Parks
  • April 24th, 12-2PM, Rivers and Creeks with Jerry Hohla, Hoosier Riverwatch
  • April 28th, 6-8PM, Frogs, Snakes and Turtles with Chris Barlow, Ivy Tech
  • May 5th, 6-8PM, Monarchs, Milkweed and Wildflowers with Karie Harding

In addition, class participants will be required to volunteer six hours in a pre-approved natural environment and must attend 80% of their classes in order to earn their Jr. Indiana Master Naturalist certification.

Deadline for registration is March 26th, 2010. Class fee is $70.00 per student and includes three field guides, class materials, room rental and IDNR registration.

For more information or to download a brochure visit us at www.allencountyparks.org or contact Natalie Haley, Environmental Educator at 260.449.3246 or email at nhaley@allencountyparks.org

Scrapbook Night at Metea

March 19, April 16, Fridays, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Beginning Scrapaholics. Need a night to catch up on your scrapbooking? Need some time for your self? Want a Girl’s Night Out? New to scrapbooking? Leave the kiddies at home, come and relax & work on your scrapbook projects, family albums, mini albums, cards, and home décor.

Cost: $10/session (advance), $15 at the door.
Register 6 people and save $10.

To register or more information:
Email: paulcorrine2005@aol.com
Corrine Paul

Add your name to my MONTHLY UPDATES (by email) to get hints and instructions for special projects and challenges at the next crop.

Reserve Your Table Today!!

The Metea Challenge

March 20, Saturday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Come and learn about our new Metea Challenge Program. This 2 hour workshop will introduce new games, initiatives, and challenge courses.Ages 10 or older. Dress to be comfortable and active.

Cost: $3.00
Pre-register by: 3/16
Min: 6
Max: 16

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Monday Mornings with Michael @ Metea

March 15

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the
world come alive. A sunrise experiential at Metea
County Park. Dress weather appropriate, and the
hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Mar. 7:00 AM
Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max.: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Payton’s the Place @ Payton County Park

March 13, Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Let’s spend the day getting to know Payton County Park, by assisting in the development of a new trail through the mature deciduous woods. Dress for the weather and for working outdoors. Some tools provided. Tools needed for clearing brush.

Cost: Free
Pre-register by: March 11
Min: 1
Max : 100
Free Lunch!

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Monday Mornings with Michael @ Payton

March 8, 29

Greet the day from the beginning and watch world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk Payton Park. Dress weather appropriate, and hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Mar. 7:00AM
Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Jr. Indiana Master Naturalist Open House - 25 NISTEM points/series

March 6, Saturday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Your child, ages 9-13, can become a Jr. Indiana Master Naturalist. This is an Open House to answer questions and register for this great new program. See the Allen County Parks website for more program information.

Cost: Open House is FREE
Pre-register by: N/A
Min: N/A
Max: N/A

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3246
Natalie Haley

Story Night at Metea

March 5, Friday 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Come and sit by the fire, sipping cocoa, and listen to stories that will warm your heart and inspire your soul. Open to all with the inclination to listen. Meet inside the nature center.

Cost: $3.00
Pre-register by: March 1
Min: 5
Max : 50

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Monday Mornings with Michael @ North Metea

March 1, 22

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk at the North Metea Nature Preserve. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

March 7:00 AM

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Fourth Friday Night Hike @ Payton County Park

February 26, Friday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

The nearly-full moon will be high in the night sky as we stroll through the old fields and wetlands of Payton County Park. Flashlights are welcome, but not needed. Be prepared for Indiana weather.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: 2/22
Min: 5
Max: 45

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Bob Dispenza

The Metea Challenge

February 25, Thursday, 9 :00 AM – 11:00 AM

Come and learn about our new Metea Challenge Program. This 2 hour workshop will introduce new games, initiatives and challenge courses. Open to all age 10 or older. Dress to be comfortable and active.

Cost: $3.00
Pre-register by: 2/20
Min: 8
Max: 16

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Monday Mornings with Michael @ Metea

Feb. 22, & March 15

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the
world come alive. A sunrise experiential at Metea
County Park. Dress weather appropriate, and the
hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Feb./Mar. 7:00 AM
Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max.: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Scrapbook Night at Metea

Feb 19, March 19, April 16, Fridays, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Beginning Scrapaholics. Need a night to catch up on your scrapbooking? Need some time for your self? Want a Girl’s Night Out? New to scrapbooking? Leave the kiddies at home, come and relax & work on your scrapbook projects, family albums, mini albums, cards, and home décor.

Cost: $10/session (advance), $15 at the door.
Register 6 people and save $10.

To register or more information:
Email: paulcorrine2005@aol.com
Corrine Paul

Add your name to my MONTHLY UPDATES (by email) to get hints and instructions for special projects and challenges at the next crop.

Reserve Your Table Today!!

Frog Dissection - 2 NISTEM points

February 25, Thursday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

We will study the external structures of a frog and then open it and study the internal structures. This program fills up fast so register as soon as you can. Must be 14 years old or older

$2.00/adult and $6.00/student
Pre-register by: 2/18
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3778
Ron Divelbiss

Home School Series - 2 NISTEM points/class

February 18 & March 18, Thursdays, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Home school science enrichment program for all school age students in three age groups. Cost includes BOTH month’s sessions, all handouts and equipment. One parent/guardian per family is required to attend. Classes fill up quickly, so reserve you space. Classes begin at promptly 2:00 PM! SPACE WILL NOT BE RESERVED UNTIL YOU HAVE PAID

Cost: $10.00/student, $4.00/adult
Pre-register & PREPAY by: 2/15/10
Min: 5/age group
Max: 20

To register or more information:
Email: rdivelbiss@allencountyparks.org
Call: 449-3778
Ron Divelbiss
Both sessions will be held both indoors and outdoors. Please dress for the weather.

Monday Mornings with Michael @ Payton

Feb. 15, & March 8, 29

Greet the day from the beginning and watch world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk Payton Park. Dress weather appropriate, and hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Feb./Mar. 7:00AM
Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Caving Adventure - 5 NISTEM points

Trip Feb. 20, Saturday, all day
Mandatory Pre-class, Feb. 12 Friday, 7:30 PM

Caving instructor Bob Dispenza will be leading a trip to a new cave (for us) near Springville on February 20. We’ll be exploring a wild cave in the area and going off the beaten path, looking for cave wildlife and unusual formations. Mandatory pre-caving class is February 12th at 7:30 PM at Metea County Park. Learn about geology, cave life, needed equipment and cave formation.

Cost: $20.00/person
Pre-register by: 2/9
Min: 5
Max: 25
Cost covers maps & caving instruction.

To register or more information:
Call: 449-8619
Bob Dispenza

Monday Mornings with Michael @ North Metea

Feb. 8, & March 1, 22

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk at the North Metea Nature Preserve. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Feb./March 7:00 AM

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Fish Dissection - 2 NISTEM points

February 11, Thursday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

We will study the external structures of a perch and then open it and study the internal structures. This program fills up fast so register as soon as you can. Must be 14 years old or older and preregistered.

Cost: $6.00/student, $2.00/adult
Pre-register by: 2/4 (REQ’D)
Min: 5 Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3778
Ron Divelbiss

Groundhog Day Celebration

February 2, Tuesday, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

As the weather continues cold, we all wonder when spring warmth will be arriving. One of our native animals has a reputation for being able to tell when – the groundhog. We are going to encourage him with a little celebration held in his honor. Learn about hibernation, the history of woodchuck weathermen, sing some Groundhog Day songs, and go out looking for our own Metea Park Marvin. Will he see his shadow?

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: N/A
Min: N/A
Max: N/A

To register or more information:
Call: 449-8619
Bob Dispenza

Monday Mornings with Michael @ Metea

Feb. 1, 22, & March 15

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the
world come alive. A sunrise experiential at Metea
County Park. Dress weather appropriate, and the
hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Feb./Mar. 7:00 AM
Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max.: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Monday Mornings with Michael @ Payton

Jan. 25, Feb. 15, & March 8, 29

Greet the day from the beginning and watch world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk Payton Park. Dress weather appropriate, and hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Jan. 8:00 AM, Feb./Mar. 7:00AM
Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Astronomy – Get Stars in Your Eyes - 10 NISTEM points

January 28, February 4, 11, 18, Thursdays, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Boldly go where you have never gone before – to classes about astronomy! Take four nights out of winter and expand your horizons to infinity. The first night will be about observing methods and stars, the second about constellations, the third about the solar system, and the last about galaxies, nebulae and other distant objects. We will be observing with telescopes after each class (weather permitting). Bring binoculars or telescopes if you have them or need help with them.

Cost: $20.00 for the series, includes all handout materials.
Pre-register by: 1/23
Min: 5
Max: 40

To register or more information:
Call: 449-8619
Bob Dispenza

Fourth Friday Night Hike

January 22, Friday, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

The waxing moon will light our path as we seek the secrets of the winter nighttime woods. Flashlights are welcome, but not needed. Be prepared for Indiana weather.

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: 1/19
Min: 5
Max: 45

To register or more information:
Call: 449-8619
Bob Dispenza

The Metea Challenge

January 20, Wednesday, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Come and learn about our new Metea Challenge Program. This 2 hour workshop will introduce new games, initiatives, and challenge courses. Age 10 and older. Dress to be comfortable and active.

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Monday Mornings with Michael @ North Metea

Jan. 18, Feb. 8, & March 1, 22

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk at the North Metea Nature Preserve. Dress weather appropriate, the hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Jan. 8:00 AM, Feb./March 7:00 AM

Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Scrapbook Night at Metea

January 15, Feb 19, March 19, April 16, Fridays, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Beginning Scrapaholics. Need a night to catch up on your scrapbooking? Need some time for your self? Want a Girl’s Night Out? New to scrapbooking? Leave the kiddies at home, come and relax & work on your scrapbook projects, family albums, mini albums, cards, and home décor.

Cost: $10/session (advance), $15 at the door.
Register 6 people and save $10.
Pay 3 months in advance and get 4th month FREE.

To register or more information:
Email: paulcorrine2005@aol.com
Corrine Paul

Add your name to my MONTHLY UPDATES (by email) to get hints and instructions for special projects and challenges at the next crop.

Reserve Your Table Today!!

Monday Mornings with Michael @ Metea

Jan. 11, Feb. 1, 22, & March 15

Greet the day from the beginning and watch the
world come alive. A sunrise experiential at Metea
County Park. Dress weather appropriate, and the
hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Jan. 8:00 AM, Feb./Mar. 7:00 AM
Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max.: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Monday Mornings with Michael @ Payton

Jan. 4, 25, Feb. 15, & March 8, 29

Greet the day from the beginning and watch world come alive. A sunrise experiential walk Payton Park. Dress weather appropriate, and hiking is easy to moderate and often wet.

Jan. 8:00 AM, Feb./Mar. 7:00AM
Cost: $2.00
Pre-register by: Prior Friday
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert

Cross Country Ski Clinic

Date: When there is enough snow

Learn how equipment works, waxing vs. no-wax, purchasing, ski prep and maintenance, and how to dress. Receive basic instruction and practice on technique, weather permitting. Leave your phone number or email when registering and Michael will contact you with time and date.

Cost: $7.00 incl. 1 hr rental
$3.00 w/your equip.
Pre-register by : N/A
Min: 5
Max: 15

To register or more information:
Call: 449-3777
Michael Gobert
Note: Need shoe size, height and weight when registering

What I bring to you

By Michael J. Gobert

In that I am new to Allen County Parks I have been given this opportunity to provide more of my history, skills and experience.

My friends know me as a caring, giving, open-minded, intelligent, and spiritual person. I am an educator, environmentalist, naturalist, horticulturalist, conservationist, cyclist, challenge course trainer and instructor, and wilderness guide that is always learning and growing. I have over 35 years experience of working in these fields of study, and have worked with all ages in a wide variety of learning environments. My approach to teaching is experiential and I utilize the acclimatizing sensory awareness methodology. I am a diverse and a directly honest individual. I will gratefully talk to you, and provide programs relative to any of the aforementioned topics.

I plan to provide specific programs in canoeing, cross country skiing, backpacking, camping, survival skills, and trip planning. Hopefully we can set up some trips.

A new program offering at Metea County Park is Challenge Course programming. This program is comprised of three primary aspects. The initial is usually games and initiatives. These are further divided into categories of social/recreational, trust, and problem solving. They all foster the development of communication and teamwork. The second and third level of challenge programming occurs on a Challenge Course. The military calls them obstacle courses, which implies that something is in the way. They are also called ropes courses by the professionals of climbing and builders organizations. I prefer to challenge rather than force or coerce you to do something you are unsure of. A challenge course is divided into low and high segments. I know of five local courses, (within 25 miles), two comprised of lows, and three with both. Of these Challenge Courses, The Timberline Challenge Program at Deer Run is renowned as one of this nation’s best courses in design and diversity of options. Lows and highs are made of wood, poles, cables, and/or rope strung between trees or posts. Lows are 10’ and under, whereas highs are commonly 25’ to 60’. I have been on a Challenge Course in Oregon that averaged 60’ and the highest was 131’. Hopefully we will be able to extend programming to a Challenge Course during warmer months in the future.

In summary, come see me at Metea. I am looking forward to meeting you, your family, groups, and organizations. I am at your service.