October 16 & November 20, Thursdays, 2-4 PM
Metea County Park is offering a home school science enrichment program for all school age students in three age groups. Participants in this project MUST pre-register by October 10 at 449-3777 or by emailing kharding@allencountyparks.org (preferred method). NO WALK-INS.
The fee for this program is $10.00 per student and $4.00 per parent, and includes both month’s sessions, all handouts and equipment. One parent/guardian per family is required to attend. Classes fill up quickly, so reserve your space soon! Each session begins promptly at 2:00 pm! Please bring proper footwear and outerwear for hiking. Topics subject to change without notice.
Session 1: October 16Beginner (grade 1-3)
Bats! How many mosquitoes can they eat per night? Why are they important to the ecosystem? How did bat myths come to be? Why do they hang upside-down? Come to Metea to learn these facts and more!
Intermediate (grade 4-6)
Raptors! This group will be learning all about raptors! Soarin’ Hawk will be joining us as we learn about birds of prey, their importance in our ecosystem and what we can do to help protect these majestic creatures! Live raptors will be present.
Advanced (grade 7-12)
Native Mammals! We will learn about what makes an animal a mammal. We will explore mammal anatomy, take a hike in search of habitat, and introduce some ecological concepts and much more.
Session 2: November 20Beginner (grade 1-3)
Owls! We will discover what they eat by dissecting owl pellets, learn about their importance in the environment and learn their calls. We will also be visited from a local screech owl and/or short-eared owl.
Intermediate (grade 4-6)
Bats! This group will be learning all about bats! How many mosquitoes can they eat per night? Why are they important to the ecosystem? How did bat myths come to be? Why do they hang upside-down? Come to Metea to learn these facts and more!
Advanced (grade 7-12)
Raptors! This group will be learning all about raptors! Soarin’ Hawk will be joining us as we learn about birds of prey, their importance in our ecosystem and what we can do to help protect these majestic creatures! Live raptors will be present.